Saturday 29 June 2024

Will miners ever cease lagging gold?

Last year a nascent regression between gold miners (using the HUI index of unhedged gold miners) and the yellow metal seemed to interrupt the unabated miner slide relative to gold.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Platinum - Palladium price inversion: end of an anomaly

The April article pointed to catalyser metals losing their speculative premium. Palladium has been over three times more expensive than platinum after the former recovered rapidly after the dip during the Covid pandemy frenzy.

Monday 8 April 2024

Catalyzer metals lost their speculative premium.

About three years ago, the typical catalyzer metals Palladium and Rhodium reached their all time highs in the aftermath of the pandemic. Automobile producers had resumed production, but some mines had been idle because of a drop in demand during the pandemic. Inventories for Pd and Rh were at a historical time low.

Sunday 31 March 2024

PDAC 2024

The main Mining event in March is the yearly conference of the  Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, organized in Toronto.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2024

Today the Global Investment Returns Yearbook for 2024 has been published by UBS Global Wealth Mgt, in collaboration with the Credit Suisse team who have been publishing previous versions.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Long term performance of precious metal miners.

Poor long term performance of most precious metal miners causes the HUI index of unhedged miners and the Philadelphia Gold and Silver miners index (XAU) to lag both precious metals and the general stock market.

Friday 29 December 2023

World Currency System Documentary

Another good watch from a decade ago, which could well have been published today. Public debt has only been growing, doubling about every 8 years in the US. With interest rates rising, the revenues needed to service that ballooning debt simply are not there anymore. If additional credit is needed to pay for the interest on the principal, the pace of debt increase is likely to spiral out of control. Let's focus on the documentary now:

End Of The Road: How Money Became Worthless - Wall Street is being occupied. Europe is collapsing in on itself. Around the world, people are consumed by fear and anger, and one question is on everyone's lips: Is the financial crisis over, or are we headed towards economic disaster? End of the Road is a documentary that chronicles the global financial collapse.

Thursday 28 December 2023

The System of Money Creation

This film presents serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Honoring the first gold-bug, Jim Sinclair

Last month, on 6 Oct , James E. (Jim) Sinclair passed away at the age of 82. Jim Sinclair was the 'first gold bug'. 

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Where have all the bloggers gone?

An unusual short topic for this blog. I'm wondering about a lot of early days colleagues and predecessors. As time went by, the blogging scene on precious metals and mining has become more or less a wasteland.

Favorite articles of the year